Chapter 135 "Immortalized in History?" and "End of the World" (Seeking Subscription)_3

The world seemed to fall silent at this moment.

But George Shaw knew, this bomb was about to explode.

If someone else made such a statement, everyone might brush it off as a joke, but the one saying this was the Chief Councilor of the Federation.

The big screen went dark!

The world had seemingly paused due to Milton Cheney's words.

The sky had suddenly darkened.

A rift had appeared in the sky.

"Is that... Subspace?"

George Shaw looked up at the sky, once brilliantly bright was now shrouded in darkness.

Because the Federation strongly promoted Martial Arts and subtly instilled certain concepts into its people, George Shaw knew exactly what the opened rift above his head was.

"Has the apocalypse really come?"

As if to answer his internal question.

The gap in the sky instantly enlarged, and creatures resembling a swarm of bats burst forth in a black surge!

An alarm sounded.