Chapter 136: 'God', 'Intention', and 'Great Grandmaster' (Please Subscribe)

River City, Triangle Building.

The people had already been evacuated, and a subspace seemed to appear and disappear mid-air.

Strewn across the ground were countless bodies of strange creatures.

"Councilor Yorke, the third round of heavy firepower has ended, and less than twenty percent of the alternate space remains," someone reported.

"Initiate the plan for individual soldiers to clear out the remaining riff-raff!"

William Yorke whispered.

A middle-aged man in a uniform solemnly nodded and began to make arrangements.

Although the Federation highly values Martial Arts, at the moment, technology is still a key weapon against the subspace.

However, how long technology will remain a threat is an uncertain factor.

From the previous efficacy of ordinary firearms, to now, where even large-scale weapons are somewhat powerless.

The longer this drags on, the less of a threat firearms pose to subspace creatures.