Chapter 159 "Erased History" and "Southern Union University" (Subscribe Please)

Time flies, and a decade has gone by in the blink of an eye.

Milton Cheney has been reincarnated in this world, which is extremely similar to Azure Star, for eighteen years now.

It's been ten years since he broke free from the mysteries of his inception.

Azure Star, Anton Province, Fairtown.

After the final exam of the college entrance exam, Milton packed up his stuff and left the examination site.

As soon as the exam ended, the quiet and orderly environment instantly became noisy.

Countless people were discussing the questions from this exam with the people around them.

Of course, all this noise didn't bother Milton.

After leaving the examination site, Milton hailed an energy taxi.

Once inside the taxi, Milton activated his palm computer.

A transparent screen emerged from his palm computer, and Milton swiped in mid-air and clicked on a website.

Ten years have passed, and Milton could almost affirm that this world is a Technology World.