Chapter 159 "Erased History" and "Southern Union University" (Subscription Requested) _2

Leaving his dormitory, Milton Cheney made his way to the university's on-campus library.

As the top-ranking university in the Federation, the library here naturally housed an abundant collection of books.

Many books that were not found anywhere else could be located here.

When Milton Cheney entered the library, he didn't draw any undue attention.

Compared to the amount of people on the rest of the campus, there were more here.

The absence of raucous background noise allowed every single person to quietly immerse themselves in their books.

The flipping of pages made a soft rustling sound that contributed to the serene atmosphere.

Milton Cheney wandered around within the library, eventually moving towards a bookshelf, where he selected several books.

Having found these books, Milton then looked for a vacant spot to sit down and began to flip through the volumes in his hand.

Over these years, Milton's understanding of this world was derived from either the internet or books.