Chapter 185: "Hatchlings" and "Primordial God Rank" (Please Subscribe)

Milton Cheney made up his mind as he stared at the attribute panel before him.

[Reincarnation Simulation Count: 1]

[Initiate Reincarnation Simulation?]


Milton had no hesitation, responding in his heart.

In the end, he decided first to undertake the reincarnation simulation.

After all, if the reincarnation simulation could make him stronger, it would also be beneficial for the subsequent true body simulation.

After weighing the pros and cons, Milton decided first to reincarnate and then simulate his true body.

The next moment, Milton's consciousness found itself within the reincarnation space.

In the reincarnation space.

Milton looked at the different colored light clusters beneath him, eventually focusing his attention on the black light cluster where his previous reincarnation took place.

This reincarnation simulation, Milton had prepared for it early on.