Chapter 184: "Half a Year Later" and "New Attempt" (Subscribe please)_2

Of course, this premise is based on the assumption that impairing a wizard's realm wouldn't affect his lifespan.

He was unsure of the outcome, but if he didn't try, he would never know.

"But if I disengage myself from the Guardian Sea, even if I live longer, without advancing my retained realm, wouldn't it be meaningless?"

"Is there a way for me to quit the Guardian Sea without being stripped of the wizard realm?"

Milton Cheney pondered, with thoughts interweaving continuously.

However, after pondering for quite some time, Milton still didn't have a clear answer.

He decided to stop thinking for now, there was still half a year before the next simulation. He doesn't want to put too much pressure on himself during this time.

He was too greedy.

It's just been a few years since he had become a Level 4 Wizard, and he was already thinking about advancing further.