Chapter 184: "Half a Year Later" and "A New Attempt" (Subscribe please)

Arthur glanced at Milton Cheney, pondering for a moment before speaking:

"I believe that the Epic Knight is not the end of the Path of the Knight, there may be more beyond the Epic Knight, I just haven't discovered it yet."

"So I want to see what it would be like to cultivate the Knight's Breathing Technique after becoming a Wizard Apprentice."

There was a hint of fatigue in Arthur's voice.

It seemed that he had been pondering this issue for a long time.

Is there more beyond the Epic Knight?

Hearing this, Milton was a bit stunned.

It had to be said, his father Arthur's idea was definitely good.

Unfortunately, he wasn't the only one who had thought of this.

However, up to this point in the development of the Wizard Realm, the Epic Knight remained the highest Realm of the Knight.

Perhaps partly because the wizards did not place much importance on this path of cultivation.

But more so because the limit of the Path of the Knight is just that.