Chapter 337 "Strange World" and "First Clues" (Please Subscribe)_2


After all, an eighteen-year-old Grandmaster-in-waiting, if revealed, would undoubtedly cause an uproar across the entire world.

Being a bit stronger is a genius, but being a whole galaxy stronger is not a genius, but a monstrosity.

Fortunately, Milton Cheney had no intention of revealing the true level of his Realm.

However, not to mention a Grandmaster-in-waiting, even the Grandmasters of this world seemed far too weak in Milton Cheney's eyes.

The Martial Arts Grandmasters of this world were roughly equivalent to Level 2 Wizards in the Wizard Realm, or perhaps even slightly inferior.

This was also the reason behind Milton Cheney's helplessness.

Because this world simply couldn't offer him any help.


Time slowly passed, and in the blink of an eye, another fifty years had gone by.

Now, it had been exactly sixty-eight years since Milton Cheney had reincarnated into this world.

Of those sixty-eight years, he had spent eight years deciphering the mystery of the womb.