Chapter 337 "Strange World" and "The First Clue" (Please Subscribe)_1


Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, eighteen years have passed.

Within the world of the Seventh Universe Layer, where Milton Cheney chose to reincarnate.

In Clearwater Province, Continuity Tranquil City, within the first class of the third year at the High-Level Martial Arts Academy.

At this moment, Milton Cheney is sitting steadily at a window seat in the third row of the classroom.

It's rare for this class not to be a martial arts lesson, and Milton is glad for the leisure time.

Having been in this reincarnation world for eighteen years, Milton has gained a basic understanding of it.

The overwhelming impression this world gives Milton is just one thing: strangeness.

Very strange.

This world is a modern one, and can barely be considered a Martial World.

Even so, it differs quite a bit from the world Milton had imagined.

Because the size of this world is just too small.

It's even much smaller than the Wizard Realm.