Chapter 49 Task: Scavenger (8k) _2

"..." Yu Liang didn't expect Xu Cixi to understand his words, so he did not conceal anything, "I can see things through a special method."

In a strict sense, Xu Cixi has also sacrificed herself to save him, and can be trusted.

She was like Xiao Zhize, or even more commendable, because she had already lived in the zoo for a long time and still possessed an innocent heart.

That night he controlled the thoughts deep within him very well, but he still regretted Xiao Zhize's death.

Good people should not be subject to threat with a gun.

"That... It seems quite critical. I will keep your secret. I won't tell Xue Wubin either." Xu Cixi understood its importance, "The identity of the blind" would make most people feel at ease.

With no advantage in combat, and unable to use character charms against others, nobody would put too much concern on Yu Liang's fighting ability.

"So… did Old Du die the same way?" Xu Cixi was smart and she quickly guessed the key.