Chapter 50 is here! (everyone, stop raising and come have a look)

The shadow of the hamster was right beneath Xu Cixi's foot.

The task of the suckermouth catfish was right before his eyes.

Yu Liang couldn't help but swallow, hesitating, but in the end, he remained silent and didn't warn Xu Cixi.

However, in that moment of hesitation, the shadow of the hamster disappeared from beneath Xu Cixi's foot. In its place was Xu Cixi's slender silhouette, but Yu Liang knew he couldn't have been mistaken.

Does the shadow of the hamster imply anything?

Is it a paranormal creature with the form of a hamster that has targeted her, or...

Will she transform into a hamster?

In this zoo, anyone who becomes aware of "it" might have their cognition tainted, resulting in a transformation into the corresponding animal.

There are no hamsters in the zoo, so, might not the exceptional hamster be Xu Cixi herself?

Xu Cixi's task was to find the hamster, while his task was to kill the hamster.

This is truly...

A cruel task indeed.