Chapter 50 is here! (Everyone, stop raising and come have a look) _2

But when they arrived at the bakery's door, all the lights were off inside and the employees had closed up for the day.

"Alright, we missed it." Xu Cixi sounded slightly disappointed. She looked at the last empty spot in her collection book, then decided to close it, comforting herself by saying, "It's fine, life is full of disappointments."

It was the hamster badge they missed?

Yu Liang began to feel wary. He looked around - it was past closing time and there were very few visitors left in the park. Those who were still there were slowly leaving.

But it wasn't the visitors who should be a concern, rather the inanimate objects such as stuffed toys and unicorn statues, which could be hiding "it".

Following the map in his mind, he checked the surroundings. He had already memorised the layout of the entire Sweetheart House amusement park in a short amount of time, so he could easily find his way next time.