Chapter 51: The Director (4k)

Along with Yu Liang's footsteps, the unknown creatures in the darkness also began to show movement. They chased after Yu Liang and his companion in the shadows, but did not reveal themselves nor did they pounce. Instead, they chose to hang back, much like a wolf pack that had found its prey, not rushing but slowly whittling away the prey's patience and stamina.

Yu Liang was of course aware of this situation. He slowed his steps and shifted his focus to his surroundings. He reached out his hand and dozens of papermen began to emerge, each one floating off in a different direction, offering early warnings in various areas for Yu Liang.

The normal escape route would be through the pink loveest heart-shaped passageway. However, passing through such an environment in these circumstances would be foolish. Thus, Yu Liang planned to scale the boundary wall of the park for his escape.