Chapter 57: The Love Story of Li Huazhao (Updated on Friday, asking for first order)

"Old Yu, do you want a wife or not?"

Even before Li Huazhao arrived, his voice could be heard shouting inquisitively at Yu Liang from the stairs.

Yu Liang looked towards the source of the voice, only to see Li Huazhao, holding a stack of red-skirted women shaped like a big burger, rushing over. He had no idea what he did to them; all these stacked red-skirted women were motionless.

"I don't want any." Yu Liang flatly refused.

"They are triplets, Old Yu." Li Huazhao dropped them in front of Yu Liang and lifted the hoe in his hand, "Aren't you a novelist? Don't want triplets?"

Yu Liang: "..."

He didn't see the connection between triplets and writing novels, but he had to admit, he strangely understood what Li Huazhao was implying, so he reluctantly said, "I do not write that kind of novel."

"Well, that's really boring, I initially wanted to be the protagonist." Li Huazhao pouted, swinging his hoe.