Chapter 58 'Yu Liang Apologizes to Xu Ci

When the door of room 107 closed, the big hamster realized that this room was her turf now.

She started to nibble on the biscuit next to her fervently. After her body had shrunken down, just four or five pieces of biscuits could fill her up.

Feeling a bit hungry, she hadn't eaten anything since last night's dinner.

The big hamster pinched her own face, her face now much more meaty than before, but she didn't dislike it, because this fluffy and chubby look was really cute.

She was a hamster now, and they were supposed to be fat anyway, there was no need to maintain her figure.

So she ate half a bag of biscuits in one go, then lay in the drawer, her head resting on a biscuit, while drumming on her round belly with her legs crossed.

All she had to do now was wait for Yu Liang to come back.

Who knew that the life of a hamster could be this relaxing?

She thought to herself, slacking off, of course, no one could blame her, she was a hamster now, and she couldn't do anything.