Chapter 59: Oh no, I've become the Director (Going online tomorrow at dawn, seeking initial subscription)_2

Yu Liang is capable of using his blind cane to "see" within a close distance, allowing him to take in the situation of the room.

As imagery materialized in his mind, Yu Liang furrowed his brow. He "saw" a man standing by the door, listening with his ear against it, separated from him by just that single door.

If that was all, it would perhaps still be acceptable, yet Yu Liang saw something else – a vine extended from the man's head, reaching up to the ceiling.

Furthermore, there seemed to be something akin to branches and leaves growing from his head.

This figure inside wasn't human.

It was a plant-human (he was sure of it).

Yu Liang became alert. He tapped his blind cane in front of another room. The figure inside was of a different build from the previous one but was performing the exact same action, listening intently by the door.

Could the whole floor be inhabited by these plant-humans?