Chapter 60: The Secret of the Little Raccoon (Asking for the First Subscription!)


Name: Yu Liang

Occupation: Director

Photo: ( ̄へ ̄)

"Hmm?" Yu Liang glanced at the position listed, puzzled.

It really said "Director."

When did he become the Director again?

Even in the player role-playing game, he had only agreed!

"Director...are you visiting incognito?" Meng Changgang blurted out in surprise.

Yu Liang: "..."

Whatever you say.

He puffed out his chest proudly.

Should the staff in this zoo listen to him then?

Yu Liang thought for a moment that it doesn't seem reliable. Even when he was a "night-shift security guard," he didn't see that dormitory manager showing him any mercy.

It couldn't be...

The dormitory manager chasing him was to establish a deep connection with former colleagues, right?

It seemed that only unaccountable staff like Meng Changgang would accept an unaccountable director like him.