Chapter 65: The Death of Meng Changgang (Two-in-one large chapter asking for subscription)_2

No, that's not right.

He remembered, something seemed to have been "lost" on the second floor just now.

The raccoon...

The purge!

In an instant, several key pieces of information surfaced in Meng Changgang's mind, and he remembered everything!

Such a powerful ability was within his grasp, but it slipped through his fingers.

The shadow...

Everything was the problem of that shadow, it influenced him, it caused his mission to fail.

There must be a big problem there, that shadow had a clearly defined target, it didn't seem like a ghost story inherent to this staff dormitory, someone else must be up to something.

He glanced at Yan Xiaolong and Xie Yunmeng, then shook his head slowly.

It couldn't be them, he knew very well what abilities they possessed.

"Yu Liang, you're here." Xie Yunmeng greeted upon seeing Yu Liang at the other end of the hallway, noticing that shadows had appeared under Yu Liang's feet again, "Have you found your shadow?"