Chapter 65: The Death of Meng Changgang (Two-in-one large chapter asking for subscription)_3

Yu Liang's eyes on his lower back were always staring at Meng Changgang. Now, the vines on Meng Changgang's face had grown into a cluster, completely covering his face, but he was still able to "see" the world, which looked extremely weird.

He looked like Medusa.

No, not Medusa, but Li's Vine Monster from Pokémon.

Yu Liang quickly found the comparison for Meng Changgang in his mind, and the more he looked, the more they resembled.

So, his weaknesses are fire, ice, bug poison, and flying!

"Who knows how long it'll take for Captain Xue to get back." Yan Xiaolong looked worriedly at the staff dormitory immersed in darkness.

Xie Yunmeng confidently said, "Captain Xue is so strong, nothing's going to happen to him."

She turned her head to look at Meng Changgang beside her. It seemed that Meng Changgang had been daydreaming since just now. He had been staring at Yu Liang, who was in the passenger seat, not knowing what he was thinking.