Chapter 69 (8k Subscriptions Requested) "Eradicate" and Transmutation

"It doesn't seem to be here." Yu Liang was the first to enter the Director's office. His gaze swept across the scene, but he didn't sense "its" presence; perhaps it was just hiding well.

Compared to the Director's office he had entered in the Game of Disguise, it now seemed even more vacant. Possibly, things like office plants that should have been inside were moved to the outside corridor, and the dolls that were once on the bookshelf were also gone.

"I'll go out and help him." Seeing this, Tu You didn't want to stay here any longer and turned to leave the office.

Yu Liang nodded and then approached the bookshelf in the Director's office. He remembered how the Director in the Game of Disguise had opened the shelf compartment to pull out the diary of the pioneer Director, so he decided to check again, just in case he might find something.

However, the time-space inside and outside the game are connected, so he didn't hold out much hope.