Chapter 69 (8k Subscriptions Required) "Elimination" and Human Transformation_2

How can I find such a strange creature that hides in the shadows and can transform into thousands of different forms?

That's not right, not right at all.

Following this line of thought won't work. If I focus solely on finding "it", I will never find "it"; I need to think from its perspective.

First off, what does "it" want to do?

This is obvious. It studies human nature and labels people because it wants to become human.

Only when it takes the human form can it probably have a chance of leaving the zoo.

But how does this relate to "Hide and Seek"?

Hide and Seek...

Can it help it become human?

Moreover, it seems to be eager for me to find it, suggesting that only by finding it can it become human.

But that doesn't seem right. "It" and I should be in different camps. But the note suggests that if I find it, I win, and if I win, it becomes human. Isn't that a win-win situation?

So why does "it" still hide?