Chapter 90: Run with the Police Uncle_2

The survivors backed away, looking at the police officer with some concern, then glanced at the group of burly men with hatchets, not sure what was going on.

The officer felt as if something was gnawing away at his brain, threatening to swallow his reason completely.

The overhead light suddenly flickered, causing the warehouse to alternate between light and darkness, as if something eerie was about to happen.

Li Huazhao casually unwrapped a chocolate bar, biting off a large chunk. He looked at the red eyes and the emerging black veins of the officer beside him, and couldn't help but marvel.

It appeared that this officer knew those burly men?

They seemed to bear a grudge.

Li Huazhao, seeing the officer approaching an eerie transformation, nonchalantly cast a glance at him.


Yazi the monster

Name: Yazi the monster (Cannot be used for character charm composition)

Texture: Supernatural creature