Chapter 91 Master Li's Alpha Strike

That guy...

Did he just run away with a policeman in his arms?

The sudden turn of events left everyone on the scene stunned, and it took them a second to look incredulously at the rapidly departing Li Huazhao from the warehouse.

The warehouse was still dim, but they all understood what had happened.

There had been a fight between the two men and those strong men, and then one of the two ran off carrying a policeman.

This seemed logical, but they all felt eerily strange.

Wait a minute, if these two guys ran away, does that mean they left those ax-wielding dangerous fellows in the warehouse?

"Chase them!" The woodman picked up his axe and led the remaining brutish men in a headlong pursuit.

They didn't care about the other survivors in the warehouse at all, which relieved the other survivors.

"Will the policeman be alright?" someone among the survivors asked, "There are so many of us..."