Chapter 91 Master Li's Alpha Strike_2

The savage act of tearing off living people didn't seem like something he would do. He felt as if his mind had been severely disturbed by something.

"Perhaps... the gray energy affected me." Li Huazhao shrugged, giving a bland answer, and then he looked into the mist.

Even though he couldn't see, he still knew that the group of strong men had chased them already.

So Li Huazhao asked, "So, do you still have the energy to fight?"

Theoretically speaking, one of the seven deadly sins, "wrath," shouldn't be this weak. The only explanation is that the policeman, like the wealth-guarding ghost, hasn't eaten "flesh" yet.

What a pity, according to the novel ten years ago, this policeman should have been a beautiful, busty woman.

If it were a policewoman, then Li Huazhao would be more than willing to hug her with control over Yu Liang and say, "Eat me, please," as long as a few pieces of flesh would establish a special bond with her...