Chapter 131: Does He Understand What a Sinking Market Is?

"Haha, what a coincidence, this shop is also yours?" Li Huazhao laughed at the shopkeeper not far away, then glanced at the floor tile that had been pushed aside, revealing the mantis girl's little baby poking her head out of the hole in the ground.

He tapped the little one's head with his foot and pushed her back into the hole.

Despite helmeting her head, the mantis girl baby continued to try to crawl out, only to obediently stay in the hole after several reprimands from Li Huazhao.

"You can let her come up," sighed the Mask Man, knowing that he couldn't get rid of Li Huazhao. "If she damages anything of mine, you'll still have to compensate."

"Of course, of course, I understand." Li Huazhao chuckled again then motioned to the little one and the wealth-guarding ghost in the hole, "You guys can come out now."