Chapter 131: Does He Understand What a Sinking Market Is?_2

"Of course, I need a tool that can cultivate peculiar attributes in spectral creatures. I don't care what specific attribute it cultivates nor how much it magnifies it, as long as it does a tiny bit." Li Huazhao further specified, "The weaker the effect, the better. As long as it's cheap."

At these words, the Masked Man furrowed his brows ever so slightly. He hadn't expected Li Huazhao to make such a request.

The weaker, the better?

What kind of avant-garde understanding is that?

However, there was indeed a product that met Li Huazhao's requirements. So, the Masked Man went to the storeroom of the miscellaneous goods shop, looking through a pile of junk that he was too lazy to put on the shelves, and dug out a two-liter mineral water bottle.

"This is the Hell Blood Bottle." The Masked Man handed over the mineral water bottle, which still had a label that read "Farmer Spring is a bit sweet" to Li Huazhao. "It meets your needs."