Chapter 145: I am a princess!_3

I have to destroy it, along with this false dream.

[Day Three]

Remember where I live.

The wardrobe.

I can't go out, I can't reveal my hiding-spot.

If it finds me, I will die.

I will certainly die.

[Day Four]

The method to destroy it.

The method to destroy it is actually the method to observe it.

It sees me through the traces I leave behind, and I see it in the same way, through feeling, not through vision.

I can't see it.

But there is a method, there will surely be a method.

The eyes are collectors, the mind is a calculator.

I have two eyes.

Each eye sees different sides of the same object, they see a two-dimensional plane, but after the brain integrates and calculates, it becomes a three-dimensional image.

The situation is the same now.

If I can collect information on the four-dimensional space, the brain can calculate the four-dimensional image.