Chapter 146: You Have Never Seen

A princess?

The one that's flying in the real world?

Yu Liang immediately thought of that princess, connecting it with the contents recorded on the last night in the notebook.

The original inhabitant needs eyes, more eyes.

And that princess in the sky happens to have so many eyes.

However, according to the original inhabitant's notes, a person with two eyes can see three-dimensional objects, and with three eyes, four-dimensional objects. Then wouldn't the princess with hundreds of thousands of eyes be able to see one hundred or one thousand dimensional objects?

Of course, assuming that such dimensional objects exist.

However, he also learned from Li Huazhao that the princess is just a T1 level monster of the Bloody System, with no particular affinity for supernatural abilities.

So the original inhabitant simply became a monster?

A female player turned into the princess flying in the sky in reality?