Chapter 147: Capturing A Beam of 4-dimensional Light_3

Firstly, one must have a comprehensive understanding of the rabbit script. The deeper the understanding, the easier it is to sense the fundamental layer of the dream world.

Through resonance with the script, he could enter a state of spiritual communion.

In this state, everything he saw and touched was encoded in rabbit script, and he had transcended to the foundation level of the dream world. At this moment, by modifying and supplementing the script, he could change the dream world to complete his mission of creating light in the fourth dimension.

However, the rabbit-human who wrote down these notes warned very seriously that anyone attempting to change the dream world would face extreme danger. Any ill-conceived modifications could cause irreversible changes in the dream world and negatively affect all creatures within it.

Aside from the rabbit god and certain ruling class rabbit-humans, all creatures were restricted from entering this base level of the dream world.