Chapter 148: Is your Beast Tamer poisonous?!

Yu Liang changed into a new set of clothes, checked his inventory one more time to ensure he didn't miss anything, and then quickly left his house.

He glanced at the grass babies that were growing in the soil in the hallway and instructed the two that were with him not to wander off or start fights while he was away. They could communicate nicely if they had any issues.

If he were to battle with a player who had a mutated profession like Star God Lu, there would be no need for creatures like grass babies and papermen, who were of T5 and T4.5 ranks, to join the fray.

Basically, they wouldn't be able to provide much help and could easily be killed by Star God Lu or the wine master. Yu Liang didn't want the creatures in his universe to die because of this.

Furthermore, he noticed that only these papermen in his universe seemed to be affected by rabbit syndrome, exhibiting rabbit ears on their heads.