Chapter 165: Both hands spread out - This really isn't my problem!_3

It appeared that no supernatural creatures had been deployed here, so Li Huazhao hadn't seen any monsters as he traveled through this area.

After a short while, he heard some players' commotion, and turning a corner, he saw a group of hundreds of players standing in front of him.

This was an open space at the center of the office area with only a few benches, and the rest of players stood crowded together.

Just like Li Huazhao had guessed, these players did not wake up in reality after being kicked offline by the princess, but appeared directly in the underground mall.

Being suddenly transported to a new map made the players quite fearful, so they dared not act recklessly before the senior players reached a decision.

Put more bluntly, they all wanted to wait for others to explore the risks first, instead of walking into danger themselves.