Chapter 166: The Wealth-Guarding Ghost, a Superstar in Troubled Times

Building 4 had vanished.

The wealth-guarding ghost recognized the site of the missing building.

Looking at these homeless creatures, a feeling of pity arose in its heart.

It just wanted to give them a home.

As a T2-grade creature, the wealth-guarding ghost was no longer afraid of other creatures after mastering its abilities.

As long as it was also a T2 creature, no matter who it was, it could fight them single-handedly, resulting in a draw.

In battles at this level, there might be creatures stronger than it, but none could defeat it.

It's a fifty-fifty split.

Absolute fifty-fifty split below T1.

Although it wasn't good at dealing with group attacks, it did have the ability to protect itself. Generally, the weaker creatures needed to live in groups. T2-grade creatures already had the ability to create terror on their own, so naturally they didn't need to stay together.

But the creatures that remained on the ruins were gathered together mainly because their homes were gone.