Chapter 187: Doubt. Faith. Moonlight.

Every person is a manifestation of your inner personality.

All duplicates are stories you've written before.

These two sentences circled endlessly in Yu Liang's mind, causing him to frown involuntarily.

Why is this memo so clear about his situation?

Was it really left by him before he lost his memory?

If it's genuinely from the real Yu Liang to himself, then what exactly does he want to do?

Does he want him to wake up completely from the dream?

Yu Liang instinctively didn't believe these things, but everything mentioned in this memo aligns perfectly with his current reality.

He had contemplated this issue after the Rabbit Game ended.

If he truly only spent five minutes in the dream, then when did he meet Xu Cixi?

He could complete the mission and return to reality, but what about Xu Cixi?

Xu Cixi needed to return from Wangcheng City. It couldn't be that easy or quick for her to return to Haicheng, let alone getting caught by Li Huazhao at his house that very night.