Chapter 187: Doubt. Faith. Moonlight. _2

No, the memo was fake.

Absolute fake.

But why... why couldn't he write anymore?

He really couldn't produce anything worth reading.

Here all he had now was garbage.


["Your words are full of spiritual charm, but that was all in the past."

"What about this book…"

"I don't know what exactly happened to you to leave you in your current state. Your writing is supposed to be suspenseful and horrific, not a young adult pain and angst tale. I need bizarre twisted stories, not sentimental...apologies, it may sound harsh."

"Even if I publish under my original pen name... there's no commercial value?"

"Please have some respect for yourself, Mr. Yu Liang."


Even reverting to his original pen name was not an option, for it would only disappoint his existing fans even more.

He didn't like it when people were disappointed in him, especially when it pertained to something he prided himself on.

This was the only thing he was good at, after all.

It was a lie.