Chapter 188: Kill All Players.

Yu Liang suppressed his emotions, looking toward Xu Cixi without showing any change in his expression.

At this moment, Xu Cixi was also gazing at him with full caution.

Just as he had just thought, the emergence of a familiar person in a completely unfamiliar environment was inherently very suspicious.

So the issue now seemed not to be whether he should trust Xu Cixi, but rather how to dispel her doubts.

From what he could gather from her words, she had already entered this parallel dimension before him, and thus had a better understanding of it, unlike him who had just stepped into complete unknown.

"I'm real, I just entered the dimension." Yu Liang revealed his 'Lei' character charm.

Generally, the method to differentiate players relied on the presence of these character charms, as the phantasmal creatures obviously couldn't use them.