Chapter 216: The False Immortal

Fourteenth floor.

Yu Liang and the adventurer cautiously approached the staircase to the fourteenth floor.

Except for the two monsters that they had previously encountered on the fifth floor, they hadn't encountered any more monster stories.

As their footsteps fell into the staircase leading to the fourteenth floor, the dim, sound controlled yellow light lit up immediately, revealing the contents of the staircase to the duo.

The first thing that caught their eye was blood. However, it wasn't human blood, but a greenish blood with a putrid smell.

The blood was sprayed in a radial pattern, staining the wall in dark green. It traced lines down the wall, pooling in a corner before ultimately drying into clots.

The adventurer stepped forward, taking out a glass dropper-like object from his pocket. He placed the dropper's tip on the clotted blood on the wall and squeezed the rubber bulb at the other end.