Chapter 216: Fake Immortal_2

Just as Li Huazhao had met the adventurer, the adventurer had mistaken Li Huazhao's location for treasure. Only when they discovered Li Huazhao did they realize that the treasure was actually on him.

Which is to say...

According to what the adventurer just said, he is supposed to lead him to the greatest treasure in this building.

Eh, don't tell me that the treasure is actually on the Fairy Lady?

An alarm bell rang in Yu Liang's heart. His view of these charm papers became somewhat enlightened. He had been thinking in the wrong direction all along. The corridor was not sealing anything. It merely existed as something.

It's possible that the monster in the stairwell was killed by the Fairy Lady. Don't explosion attacks resemble explosive runes in the novel?

So this floor...

Is it the Fairy Lady's mansion?