Chapter 245: No, where did your grass baby come from?_3

Nearly twice the power increase, and not just the original power but the later stage power...

This Minotaur is terrifying. It's like it's hit the bull's eye.

The market of players easily absorbed a hundred grass babies without any surprise, allowing Yu Liang to make a small fortune.

Of course, those who resell people...

It's really easy to make money by reselling strange life forms.

Yu Liang nodded satisfactorily, turned around and left. The number of players now had decreased. He could let the man in the mask manage the business, and he could leave here with the wealth-guarding ghost.

Returning to his room, Yu Liang took a quick break and had a meal. Next, he had to think about how to deal with the four monsters remaining in the Five Elements Tower.

Two figures emerged in his mind.

The adventurer Ren An and the martial arts coach Zhuang Wu.

Both of them are very powerful and skilled, they should be able to help.