Chapter 246: The Origin Descends, "Zhi" Takes Action

The most common grass baby costs eight grass baby coins each.

Eight grass baby coins are equivalent to four "slope" character charms.

"Four slope character charms?" The adventurer raised an eyebrow, his tone elevating slightly.

The player nodded, "Exactly, only four 'slope' character charms for a fantastique pet. Mr. Lu Mingzhe is such a kind man."

The adventurer: "..."

So you, Lu Mingzhe, are just shearing my wool, right?

Has he forgotten our camaraderie, catching headless corpses in the moonlight with a fishing net?

The dark-faced adventurer turned and walked away. He inexplicably felt like he'd just disembarked in a foreign land, only to be swindled by his own people. But upon reflection, the other nine rings seemed to be given by him to others, and the original transaction proposal was just to exchange two grass babies for meat clay and a ring.