Chapter 247: It Never Disappeared! It Has Always Existed! _3

"Of course." Qin Haijian twirls a small ball in his hand, scrutinizing the more petite Fairy Lady before him, trying to figure out what she really is.

"You're considerably weaker now, and I still remember what happened then. You should ... run away," An Buchen says, straightening up and imitating the manner of the Fairy Lady. She tries to scare off this guy with this act.

"Strength is relative," says Qin Haijian with a smile. He can now make a clear judgment – the tiny woman before him indeed possesses the memory of the Fairy Lady.

He sighs, stepping forward, "If I were to be fair, it's indeed me who's at fault. I should not appear before you again, but ... you shouldn't possess the memories of the five of them either."

"Memories?" An Buchen is taken aback. She knows what Qin Haijian means, but regarding memories...

Does he mean the five other faces of the die?