Chapter 248: The Stars Shift, Man-made Lunar Eclipse!

The Xu Cixi present in this zone was created from his memories?

But she could convey information that he didn't even know before fully transforming into the Ghost Bride yesterday evening...

Yu Liang instinctively doubted this explanation.

If she was created based on his memories, then no new information outside of his cognitive boundaries should have appeared.

No, she should have been mixed with memories of others. This elusive Xu Cixi, ninety percent known and ten percent unknown, could dispel his doubts, as he was never omniscient about her in the first place.

Therefore, the "doubt" did not originate in the first rotation, but existed long before.

Indeed, I have never seen these dual moons coexisting in the sky, hence it's possible that they are not dual moons but two sides of a single moon, much like the inscriptions left in the coffin.

Deception. Concealment.

Why would a root mystery tale go to such lengths for a common player?