Chapter 286: The Road to Achievement Originated from the Wealth-Guarding Ghost

"Paper, pen," the Wealth-Guarding Ghost requested from the Masked Man, before grabbing him and running off to a corner for some scribbling.

Ever since it discovered the truth in books, it had developed a daily habit of reading and reflection.

Unfortunately, the saying "There are houses of gold in books" is false. There isn't gold in books, but they can certainly help you earn gold.

The Wealth-Guarding Ghost didn't limit its reading to just various ideologies. While such material reshaped its worldview, detailed business strategy required more practical books, starting from the basics.

It read plenty of books on finance, accounting, and consumer psychology, which gave it an absolute say when dealing with the Grass Baby issue.

Based on the mutation scenarios of players in various instances, it crafted three models corresponding to three different marketing strategies.