Chapter 286: The Road to Achievement Originated from the Wealth-Guarding Ghost_2

The business model of this shop wasn't much different from the ancient times. After a reminder from the Wealth-Guarding Ghost, it was directly affected by the modern business model's disruptive influence.

"Hey, is this still inside a copy? Can I bring something out to see?" Yu Liang thought of the cosmic Whistle Beast and turned to ask the man in the mask.

"The shop counts, the warehouse doesn't." The masked man thought for a moment and continued, "Players aren't allowed in this place... we'll let it pass for you this time."

With the help of the Wealth-Guarding Ghost, he calculated the profit and realized the nearly four hundred Grass Babies he had brought in had a direct benefit of about 30 badges, approximately equal to the net profit from running a copy continuously for two months.

Not to mention, players might use items from the grocery store to exchange for Grass Baby Currency, which would require going through the "Badge-Item-Grass Baby Currency" process.