Chapter 288 Whistle Beast Maternal Evolution! _3

This time, it was Lu Baoshen's turn to buy and among more than three hundred grass babies, some should possess "Magical Aptitude".

Seeing him re-enter the warehouse, Lee immediately handed over a piece of paper straight away: "Kindly give me four more grass babies!"

"Well... that might not be a good idea. Grass babies are limited to each player and if you get too many..." Yu Liang wanted to say more but stopped short.

Lee was quick to jot down, "I can pay more!"

Having only played five times, he had already obtained two incredibly useful grass babies, and supposedly the probability of this was one in ten thousand...

On one hand, he was gradually becoming confident in his own luck, on the other hand, he yearned for powerful grass babies. The combination of these two influences led to Lee being quite eager to continue playing.

He was hooked.

"No, no can do." Yu Liang shook his head resolutely. "This is against the rules, and if others find out, it would be bad for business."