Chapter 289: Just Know About Drawing Cards Every Day, Not Taking Care of the Main Line?!

[Group Leader]: Creates a "you" and becomes the "Group Leader".

Yu Liang looked at this ability, somewhat puzzled.

"Group" is deeply imprinted in the genes of every creation of the flesh and blood civilization, whether they are egg-born humans, deformed humans, or whisper beasts and flesh monsters, they all have the Ability to create "groups".

The Whistle Beast Maternal Body could previously create a "Group", but it didn't materialize this Ability on the character card panel until now, after it got amplified by the Spring of Life, thus gaining this [Group Leader] Ability.

In other words, the focus of this Ability is not to create a "Group", but to become a "Group Leader".

Yu Liang was very familiar with this. He was once caught in the consciousness of a "Group" after losing his concentration in a Whistle Beast Nest and connecting to dozens of deformed humans.