Chapter 321: Ransacking

Dust settled, clinging to these objects, making the entire cave mansion appear extraordinarily ancient.

And decayed.

It seemed that this place had been unoccupied for a long, long time.

There were no traces of any living creatures inside the cave mansion either.

Under the coverage of the Golden Elixir Array, even if any large creatures were born in this valley, they would be killed by the array instantly.

It wouldn't give them a chance to leave traces at all.

And because of this, after He Song controlled Xianyun to enter the cave mansion before him, he immediately controlled Xianyun to head to the nearest room.

The rooms inside the cave had different uses, just like the one He Song had lived in before.

Whether refining elixirs or artifacts, or making amulets and seclusive cultivation, a dedicated room would be set aside.

Therefore, when He Song controlled Xianyun to enter the nearest room,

His divine sense immediately scanned everything inside this room.

This place.