Chapter 322: Golden Elixir Skeleton

By that time, all these items would still be on Xianyun. It would be impossible to take them back.

What should be done then?

He Song naturally chose to transfer all the items to himself as much as possible once he had harvested some.

In this way, even if Xianyun really fell inside, at least the objects in the Elixir Refinement Room had fallen into He Song's hands.

He would not return empty-handed.

Controlling Xianyun, He Song returned to the Golden Elixir Cave Mansion.

After briefly observing, He Song quickly controlled Xianyun to another room.

As he stepped into the room, He Song sent out his divine sense, scanning the room.

Suddenly, everything in the room appeared in his perception.

It seemed to be a study room.

In the small room, rows of bookshelves were arranged.

And on the bookshelves, many books were placed.

However, He Song was slightly puzzled, wondering why the Golden Elixir Master did not record the information in these books on jade slips.