Chapter 434 Golden Core Secret Methods

After all.

Having sufficient wealth can be used to purchase Longevity Elixirs.

Those Longevity Elixirs can extend He Song's lifespan, and his probability of obtaining the Golden Congealing Elixir Pill from Master Duan Hun in the future will undoubtedly increase significantly.

The longer He Song lives, the higher the probability that he will break through to the Golden Core Realm in the future.


After Master Duan Hun successfully breaks through to the Golden Elixir Realm, it is highly likely that he will seek Longevity Elixirs for He Song.

With his substantial wealth, He Song can buy Longevity Elixirs to extend his own lifespan.

Meanwhile, Master Duan Hun can also help He Song find Longevity Elixirs at critical moments.

Adding these factors together, He Song's lifespan might very well approach 300 years.

Such a long lifespan would allow Master Duan Hun to advance further in the Golden Elixir Realm, and for him to find the Golden Congealing Elixir Pill for He Song.