Chapter 434: Golden Core Secret Methods_2

"If there is any, I'd appreciate it if fellow Daoist could take me to have a look." He Song quickly expressed the reason he had thought of earlier and wanted to purchase some Golden Elixir secret methods through Master Luo Jing.

Golden Elixir secret methods are invaluable.

Although He Song was certain that there must be such secret methods in the Treasure Pavilion, it is not easy even for an ordinary Golden Elixir Master to buy them.

After all, the objects used by Golden Elixir Masters are generally exchanged for other items of equal value. To acquire a Golden Elixir secret method, one would probably have to offer a corresponding treasure.

Otherwise, it might be impossible to even have a glimpse of it.

In this case, it is not hard to imagine the difficulty for a Golden Elixir Master, such as He Song, to obtain a Golden Elixir secret method.

However, with the presence of Master Luo Jing, the difficulty of purchasing the Golden Elixir secret method might be significantly reduced.