Chapter 435: Golden Elixir Cave Mansion

A grand Golden Elixir Master.

How could he possibly lack spirit stones?

Although He Song has not yet communicated with other Golden Elixir Masters, he does not know where the spirit stones of other Golden Elixir Masters come from.

Nor does he know whether other Golden Elixir Masters have any other sources of spirit stones.

But according to He Song's idea, even if he uses his current Elixir Refinement Skill, he would be able to have enough spirit stones.

At most, it would just take creating more Medicine Gardens.

Cultivating more Medicine Gardens for He Song, who has reached the Golden Core Realm, is not much of a hassle at all.

Under such circumstances.

Realizing that the spirit stones on his body were enough to cover the expenses, He Song naturally chose the Concealing Divine Sense Skill and told Master Luo Jing beside him that he wanted to buy it.

He knows.

The price on paper is ultimately just the price on paper.